Sunday, February 16, 2025

Sci-Fi Dystopian research

Genre Research
Sci-fi Dystopian genre

First off, the dystopian genre consists of many characteristics that create a futuristic version of our current world, but not one for the better. Often in dystopian films, novels, or shows, the conditions of human life are usually suppressed due to deprivation, oppression, or terror. These are most of the time due to natural disasters the world has fallen to due to human ignorance, or sometimes corrupt political power. 

Lots of dystopian films focus on social control of the public which is usually enforced by corporate, religious/philosophical power, technological, or bureaucratic powers. It is defined as totalitarianism which is a social control over a population through force and watching. This is very relevant in certain novels such as 1984 and Fahrenheit 451, as they are classic novels that orchestrate the control of the public's knowledge and how they are restricted by the higher powers in charge. 

Dystopian fiction is technically a work of science fiction as it takes place within the future, which may hold technological advances and partakes in 'speculative' fiction. This type of fiction speculates what happens within our world if we don't acknowledge the current threats and situation of our world now. 

Some characteristics of dystopian societies are:

-Propaganda used to control citizens/populations.

-Information restricted as well as freedom and independent thinking. 

-A certain motto, figure, or rule that is worshipped within the society. 

-Dehumanization and surveillance.

-Illusion of a perfect utopia.

-Individuality is frowned upon as well as fear of outside world.

Dystopian genre is able to target a very broad audience. It includes all ages, genders, and views. It also supports moral arguments of the creator and gets across a message that society has been trying to explain for years. It also brings awareness and caution to the world around us, which appeals to many people as they believe in many different concepts of where our world will take us. In my opinion, I believe many people are attracted to it because of how the human brain infatuates itself with the future. We are always looking to the next day, month, or year, and we often forget about the present. It is easy to focus on what will come of something instead of how to change the matter at hand, as many are afraid of taking a step to make a change within society. 

Finally, here are some of my personal favorite dystopian pieces of literature!

Animal Farm (1945) George Orwell

Such an amazing book speaking about how power can be corrupted while also touching on equality and how tyrannical leaders manipulate population. This movie was very impactful in it's time, and still is till this day if you really focus on the message it gives. 

1984 (1949) George Orwell

Beautiful book speaking on surveillance of the people and mass thought control. It shows how full power manipulates truths and limits individualism. George Orwell strikes again!

Player Piano (1952) Kurt Vonnegut

This novel speaks about the total control of technologies and how it can dehumanize society, stripping people of their purposes with automation. A great piece which conveys dangers of our technological advances and how humans also have a part within our world. 

There Will Come Soft Rains (1950) Ray Bradbury

This is one of my FAVORITE short stories ever and we read it in school, it honestly changed my life and made me super interested within how our world progresses, how government and wars impact us greatly, and how literature communicates this all beautifully. This short story focuses on how human technology will outlive humans, yet without humanity it ceases to hold purpose. Additionally it brings awareness to total destruction through war and decisions made through our governments. 

The Last of Us (2023)

This dystopian show and game shows how the power of love mixed with survival can create a blurred line of what is right and wrong. It has great suspense built throughout it and it really shows human connections and how they matter through times of desperation. 

Maze Runner series (2014-2018)

Originally a book series from 2009-2016 and eventually adapted into a movie trilogy series, this is my favorite dystopian franchise. Not only does it have a very captivating story line and great character development, it creates awareness towards total control within a crumbling society and it shows the power of questioning authority. 

Dredd (2012)

While being very graphic, this film actually holds a great moral value in which Judge Dredd struggles between order and corruption as well as the consequences of total power. It depicts a great dystopian sci fi film that appeals to a more specific audience of older men with its action conventions. 

Leave the World Behind (2023)

This was a more recent film that really struck a chord with me. There was a lot of opinion about the ending of the film, but I found it tied it all together. While the film touches on an apocalyptic world and how fear can lead to aggression and panic, it also focuses on how the media teaches us to bury our head in the sand and disregard the rest of the world. It shows how many are raised to ignore the problems around them as long as they are secure and entertained. 

Matrix (1999-2003)

The Matrix is a very popular franchise focusing on the ease of being manipulated and the importance of questioning power as well as acting out against it. 

The Hunger Games Franchise

Within this franchise, the Hunger Games books (2008-2025) and the film series (2012-2023) is one of the most popular creations and is loved by many. It explores oppressive systems that will utilize people for power and entertainment. It shows the importance of resistance and teamwork in the fight for freedom. 

All of these media works are great examples of dystopian genre displayed and the different moral lessons they depict in order to communicate a view within society. This research really helped me grasp an understanding of the different characteristics it includes and the categories that it falls under. 

Below are the videos and websites I watched/read up to further educate me on this genre!

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Project Schedule

 Of course, we have to write out my least favorite part, the planning schedule. For some reason this always stresses me out as I see how much work I REALLY have to do in order to get this all complete, and I'm really excited for this years project as well, so I want to put in my maximum effort. Also, since my little injury, I'm gonna have LOADS more time to focus on my school work instead of my afterschool sports! But so far, here is what I was thinking...

Week 2 

LOADS of research on the genre

    -Different conventions we need to include

    -Shooting research

    -Makeup research

    -Editing research

Go to the drama room to search for an actor

Plan our main storyline and finalize it

Week 3

Start preparing pre-production

    -Shot list


    -Makeup if needed

Planning out equipment

Brain storming social media page

Week 4

Begin the social media page

Get a filming date (with lenience)

Research if needed (always needed)

Start brainstorming postcard

Week 5

Start filming

Social media post now in action and should have a set up page

Also brainstorming releases

Start work on postcard

Week 6

Finish filming

Begin editing

Continue social media page

Week 7


Social media

Begin reflection planning and writing

Finish up postcard

Any emergency filming LATEST DONE HERE

Week 8 

Finalize the film


Post Card

Social media

Week 9 

Final edits to reflection/film

Social media wrap up


I think our biggest lookout should be making sure we start our social media pages as soon as possible to get many posts in... we also are aiming to get some attention on it as well. I really want to get the project FINISHED by week 7/8 so I can focus on reflection and the minor tasks more.... but we never know with this project!!

As for conflicts with my own schedule, I don't really think I'm gonna have any apart from spring break... I WOULD have had a competition every other weekend and the start of my soccer season, but the only thing I have planned is pt sessions and doctor checkups :') But at least I can focus on becoming an academic weapon!!

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Return of the portfolio...

I'm back!

We've started to brainstorm our portfolio project finally! We had a lesson yesterday on each of the different options, and me and my partner, Daniella, decided to do the short film package! We thought this would fit our ideas the best as it could give us the freedom to create our own story line and plot. It was a debate between the short film and the movie trailers, but we thought the short film could be best executed.

Our FIRST idea was a sci-fi dystopian type of film, and although we're still figuring out our major plot points, we have a main idea! Here it is:

In the year (some random future year), the human population is falling with the downfall of society, scientists were trying to come up with robotic ai life forms that could replicate human beings. The story follows one particular test subject, and it is a male being. The subjects are kept in a confined room and are slowly exposed to the human world. They are allowed to explore certain media forms such as movies and allowed to do humane research on the laptop within their room. Each different subject focuses on a different human emotion, but the subject this story follows is specific on the emotion of love. He is exposed to different films about love and slowly starts becoming more human, which grows his conscious. Additionally, this comes with the strife of knowing he will never be able to experience this emotion to its fullest extent, and he eventually 'fails' 

Although we haven't really thought out the details, that is the synopsis of our project so far! We're super excited to execute this and we're thinking of advertising to the drama club at our school for our actor. We still need to come up with all the other package characteristics, but we have thought out an overall look of it.

This might not even work out to what we hope to be, as its only the first week of planning out what we want to do. but so far its what were aiming for in the long run, of course I'll update if we plan to switch the plot altogether, but in the meantime, that's our plan!!

Friday, December 13, 2024

Documentary Critical Reflection

Our documentary, ‘The Conventions of Art’, was based on Kyle Dutra, a high school student who partakes in graffiti and expresses his artistic side of himself through his designs. Throughout the documentary, we delve into his personal life and how he came to be the amazing artist he is today.


How did research inform your product and the way it uses or challenges conventions? 


A documentary is a nonfiction product that illustrates a ‘slice of life’ to communicate a specific message or story to the audiences. Most documentaries are shorter than full length films, have narrative format, interviews of subject progress throughout the movie, and a biased point of view. Our documentary takes on most of these original conventions of documentaries, with indirect interviews, narration through the interviews, and a bias towards the artistic side of this certain art form. The research I used to get an understanding of documentaries was watching some top tier productions. I watched, “I think this is the closest to how the footage looked”, “American Promise”, “Exit Through the Gift Shop”, “Abstract: The Art of Design”, “To Live in a Wild Sea”, and “The Case Against Torture”. The first five productions were all full-length documentaries that were phenomenal and captured me in every way, despite me not being fully interested in all of them. They told stories with such emotion and detail to their subjects, and it really inspired me on how to tell people’s stories. The last two productions were Op-Docs, they were much shorter documentaries by amateur film makers that were very moving and inspiring towards me as I was tasked to do a smaller and shorter documentary. I took most of my inspiration from the Op-Docs and “Abstract: The Art of Design”, as these productions focused on specific people and telling a story in a shorter time frame through a documentary. These also inspired me to choose the type of documentary I wanted to create, which was one that focused on one individual. Finally, we watched projects from the years before us, and I got an idea of how to format my production in the amount of time that was given, establishing a beginning middle and end.


How does your product engage with audiences? 


Our ideal target audience for this production was any gender kids, ages 13-21, and active artists of any form. We were aiming for this target audience as our subject really wanted to spread his art to inspire others and speak his message to them, explaining how important it is to keep trying with your art and to always persevere. I believe we could have done a better job at engaging our target audience. One component that was very capturing to our intended group was the actual topics. Dutra's drawings and messages appeal to younger audiences as there are many cartoon drawings that kids his age grew up with. Additionally, him being a younger subject in high school gives relation to the target audience as they can connect with him due to his experiences from being an artist in high school currently. I believe we could have come up with a better name for our production to appeal to younger audiences in general. It is a very general title that doesn’t capture the interest of our intended group. Additionally, I feel if we got him to speak more about his high school experiences and how they relate to his artwork it could have appealed more to high school artists.  

How does your product represent social groups/issues? 


Our project represents the diversity within art. It exemplifies the different aspects of art, specifically graffiti, with the way Dutra speaks on the topic. He makes a statement about how he gets frustrated at the people who seemingly taint the name of graffiti by making vandalism of rude topics and matters that have nothing to do with ‘art’. We made sure to ask questions that specified about true art in graffiti, and I believe it represented graffiti artist well as they put in so much effort and time into their work. I became inspired from the documentary “Exit Through the Gift Shop”, when it created a controversial question about what defines art. We wanted to uphold this question and create a biased point of view on the specificities of graffiti artists and how certain ones are artists. I believe we did a good job of this by giving an example, which was Dutra, and displaying his beliefs on the matter as well. We also explored a bit of Dutra's Brazilian background and incorporated certain Brazilian aspects such as the music choice we used and the b-roll that was displayed. Although we didn’t make this piece about ethnicity within art, it still displays how it is a big part of what makes him so unique. I believe we could have delved more into the representation of the struggles with school and how daunting the art process can be while coping with school. I would have asked questions about how he personally handles both and finds the time to utilize his creativity while also dealing with the mental strain of school. Overall, I think we communicated our main representation well but could have developed a couple of different aspects of smaller representation matters. 


I think our documentary was a good starting point for what we are trying to accomplish in a production educating people about art forms and what truly makes them art, but we could have dived deeper into the specific representation while also relating our topic towards our intended audience more.  

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Documentary Production 4

The editing process- so tedious :(

We didn't have as much time as we hoped to edit our documentary as my group members managed to get our b-roll only a day before this was meant to be finished by. But!!! All of our b-roll came out really crisp and fit into the production well. He wasn't as mic'd up as he was in the actual interview when he was speaking in the b-roll and explaining his art, but I think it really went with the documentary as it felt more in the moment and we could see his passion speaking about his art. I do really wish we got more b-roll of his personal art and the whole process he has to go through, but I understood that he was very secluded about what he wanted to be filmed.

 I think we could have solved this problem by coming up with different staged shots just involving Kyle, either struggling with art block or 'laughing with friends'. I think in the future I am definitely going to over shoot b-roll so the editing process is easier with the difference of shots and especially to cover up the jump cuts in interviews. I also really liked how our group member colored the production, it felt very involved in the world of graffiti and really brought the cinematic look together.  The background music I found was upbeat Brazilian pop as his work takes on the Brazilian inspiration from his home, and I think it blended very well into the production. We did have a confliction with the use of the second angle in the interview, I personally would not have included it despite us going through all the effort to film it, as it felt very jarring within the production, but it ended up having a couple shots in the production. Overall, I think our editing came out very good and managed to seamlessly intricate the theme of the documentary, but I do wish we spent a little more time with b-roll and over shooting!

Sunday, December 08, 2024

Documentary Production 3

We got to the filming part of the process and it was really fun! We got to the house and set up all of our equipment, it took quite a while as it was me and one other group member, as the other couldn’t make it. But we managed to get both cameras set up for the different angles and the lighting turned out really cool. It was a blue hue and the quality looked amazing for it too! The interview was a little tough at first as he was slightly closed off, but he opened up as the interview went on. I was really interested in what his work was and what he had to say about everything. I was manning the second camera on his side view, and it came to quite an issue later on because we didn’t properly light the second angle as well as the first one, so the shots were rather confusing as they didn’t line up physically. Overall I thought our filming process went really well and smooth, as well as the interview! There were times where it strayed off topic, but I don't think that can be helped much. I also wish we had planned out second shot out better as it was a waste of the second angle use. One of my favorite parts is the lighting, pictured below!

I thought the lighting was so cool and we even asked him before hand what color fits him the most, and he said blue! It came out so crisp and was super unique to our project. Additionally, our sound quality also came out so crisp and captured everything really well! Overall I think this was my favorite part of the whole process as it was such an interesting interview and everything really tied together with the different technological aspects.

Wednesday, December 04, 2024

Documentary Production 2

We have planned our production out and we are thinking out our editing patterns. I think we have a good pre production focusing on most of our general shots and the main idea of what we want to accomplish. I know documentary planning is very difficult as you can’t follow an exact script of what your interviewee is going to say, but I think our outline really has helped us for the better as it gave us a clear view of what we want to focus on when it comes to editing. We set a date to meet out interviewee and begun to check out all of our equipment too. We rented it out for a day and had two cameras, two microphones, a three point lighting kit, tripods, and extra lighting tools to help us achieve the lighting that we wanted. 

Additionally we begun making all of our questions. We wanted to make a point to not be too personal with our subject as he was a rather closed off and secluded guy, so we didn’t want to scare him into his shell when communicating with us, so we made sure our questions were very light and easy for him to answer. We also began to plan out which group members would do what! I would be manning the cameras and helping set up on the day of actual filming. I would also be getting all the background noise and music for the editing process. My other group members would be editing the bulk of the production and getting the equipment. I think that planning our whole production out the most detailed we could possibly do really organized our process and helped us have a clear mind of what we wanted to accomplish and how we would do it all. I still think we could have planned the editing process out a little more to give us a more detailed path onto the structure of our production to fully communicate our message. 

I am really excited to see this whole process and how it all turns out! Below is all of our production planning and shots that we have organized and written out!

Monday, December 02, 2024

Documentary Production 1

     So we've been focusing on documentaries in AICE Media, and for our production of a documentary, we decided to originally focus on unconventional art forms. At the beginning of this process we had two interviews lined up, a street artist and a tattoo artist. Our plan was to create an episodic documentary where we would focus on the personal elements to each artist, but plans fell through with our second interviewee, and we compromised, focusing on artist Kyle Dutra and how he creates meaningful street art. 

    This was a very interesting process that took a lot of time and planning, but what took longer was the amount of research that was put into it. We watched multiple documentaries in class, and based our topics and interview/structure style based off of these different productions. I think watching all of these productions really gave me an insight to what a good documentary production is, and how many aspects go into creating a meaning through the story you are trying to tell in the documentary. 

Tuesday, October 01, 2024


 2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR!

I'm glad to be back blogging my AICE Media A level processes and I can't wait to learn so much more about media and be challenged by the upcoming projects!

Monday, April 01, 2024

Final reflection

 This project was really one of the most enjoyable yet stressful things I've ever had to do. I loved all the creative freedom I could run with on it, and I liked the pacing of the project too.

I have learnt so much, and taken into consideration how much time simply just planning something can take! I now know, that to film smoothest and best, to make very long plans and have everything planned out word for word!

Additionally, I really learnt a lot through my editing even though it wasn't perfect... I really enjoyed how everything turned out apart from a few things here and there that I definitely need to work on... but overall, I learnt a lot about reverb and the colour editing through adobe premiere, even after getting certified in it, I keep learning! I can't wait to use these skills in my future projects to make them even better!

Thank you for following my long and hardworking journey on Kalopsia!

Saturday, March 30, 2024

CCR Script

CCR script

  • How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?
"So I immediately knew the genre I wanted to develop right from the start! Psychological thriller's had always captured my attention, especially those that develop an eerie mental illness with the main character. Parts of this genre include a lot of plot twists and tangled story telling's. The pacing is much more measured throughout it, creating the intense buildup which helps add to the suspense. The tone created in these movies is very chilling and edgy. It is made to disturb and unsettle the audience. In Kalopsia, the ending contrasts the beginning so intensely, yet the change is very gradual. In the first two minutes, it opens with simple shots of creating a bagel and putting cookies into an oven. The quicker cuts yet slow actions pair together to make it seem much more tame and domestic. The clips build up through the piano scene, which is meant to give insight to the main characters past. The reverb added to the sound is meant to give the eerie tonal change to the clips as well. After the piano scene, the sound of a ticking timer is meant to build the suspense of the person entering the house, the sound getting louder is meant to show how this new character causes alarm and distress, the quicker cuts building a quicker and more stressful suspense to relate to the characters feeling. I didn't challenge any of these conventions due to them working in my favor. The whole plot has mixes of action and psychological components in it, and they do actually relate to each other. The mental illness development is meant to be gradual just as the pacing is. 

The representation in my main character is to highlight women. Despite the lacerations shown when her face is first revealed, there is purposefully no emphasis through the camera on the wounds to show how it is normalized in the perspective of the character. The costuming of the character in the first scene, she is wearing light pink and purple PJ pants, the coloring indicates her femineity along with her hair being down. The connection between the main character and in the flash back scenes is also the color of the pants. Although the audience isn't meant to know at the start, it is the same person due to the coloring of the pink pants. The opponent is in all black to indicate they are the enemy in this battle. This takes part in the fighting side of the story, where woman are represented in fighting. Despite her feminine features and costume design, she still takes part in the violent actions, which show deeper meaning towards the end of the film."

  • How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?
"The target audience for this film is 21 and up, due to the female protagonist and the mental aspect of the movie, it would appeal more to woman than man, yet the fighting action side of the movie captures the attention of men as well. It is really directed at the mentally ill target audience, bringing a not well known syndrome to life. The slow development of the mental health aspect develops stronger throughout the film as the character participates in more fights. The faster paced and more engaging fight scenes can attract the audiences through the grungy type of settings that capture the interest of people. 

Kalopsia will be distributed through Hulu from a collaboration I organized with them. I chose Hulu to use for distribution as its a very accessible with a simple subscription that most people have. It is mainly accommodated to older audiences on the platform as well. Additionally, my movie will be premiered to the public at Miami film festival the day before it comes to streaming services on April 19th!" 

  • How did your production skills develop throughout this project?
"It all started with the song Claire de Lune, I read a book where they had the song in the playlist for the book, and I loved the buildup throughout the song, I wish I could've had more of it incorporated to build up in the opening. I got the idea of a psychological thriller through the film fight club. I loved the development of personality disorder throughout that film, and the incorporation of action throughout it really pieces it all together at the end of the film. I took this idea and began to research the mental illness that develops throughout the film. After I began my research on how sound affects film and changes the tone, and research on psychological thrillers, I began to develop the plot, story board, and the script. It took a while to develop all of these aspects, but just simply taking my time and thinking, I planned out everything I wanted to have incorporated over the process of multiple weeks. I began to find my setting at that has all the props I wanted to use and I organized my actor coming into film. We used different locations for the fight scene and the house scenes that were filmed about a week apart. The editing process was rather hefty with the different issues that were encountered throughout it. In the end, using different perspectives and advice really brought it to its best look!"

  • How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project?
To set and plan out my ideas, I used blogger to create a mini mind map for myself, putting it down in writing to confirm my thoughts and plan them out the best I could. For script writing I used another online app, Celtix. It was a very good website that walked me through each and every step for the script writing process. Additionally, I got my music from Freesound website which provides copyright sound effects and music for public use. The editing software used was Adobe Premiere Pro, it's an app I've been using for a longer period of time and have a certificate in. (put in the screenshot) During filming, I used an iPhone stand and a rolling table with stacks of books to help elevate the camera level. The iPhone 14 camera app was my camera for this film, capturing all of the sound raw from the actual phone microphone. There were quite a few obstacles with the filming, getting the different angles, and a lot of the shots were not used with the phone stand we had. We used lots of different resources to help stabilize the camera like propping it up or stacking things underneath the iPhone. During my editing process, I got recommended to use reverb to mix the audio better, and I was shown how to mix audios despite not using it for my film. I think this really is gonna come into handy after I start messing around with mixing and editing audios instead of using the raw audio. 

Sci-Fi Dystopian research

Genre Research Sci-fi Dystopian genre First off, the dystopian genre consists of many characteristics that create a futuristic version of ou...