Monday, December 02, 2024

Documentary Production 1

     So we've been focusing on documentaries in AICE Media, and for our production of a documentary, we decided to originally focus on unconventional art forms. At the beginning of this process we had two interviews lined up, a street artist and a tattoo artist. Our plan was to create an episodic documentary where we would focus on the personal elements to each artist, but plans fell through with our second interviewee, and we compromised, focusing on artist Kyle Dutra and how he creates meaningful street art. 

    This was a very interesting process that took a lot of time and planning, but what took longer was the amount of research that was put into it. We watched multiple documentaries in class, and based our topics and interview/structure style based off of these different productions. I think watching all of these productions really gave me an insight to what a good documentary production is, and how many aspects go into creating a meaning through the story you are trying to tell in the documentary. 

This Is the Closest To How the Footage Looked (2012)
(AMAZING! 10/10!! I CRIED!!!)

American Promise (2013)

Exit Through the Gift Shop (2010)

Abstract: The Art of Design (2019)

    We ended up taking up the form of Abstract: The Art of Design (2019) most in our documentary, analyzing one specific person and their art styles the most, especially delving into their background and what has made them accomplish the things they have in life. 
    The other documentaries really struck a chord with me despite not taking any specific formatting from them. All three really helped my visualize how to make a production emotional and connecting it to the audience. My personal favorite was Exit Through the Gift Shop (2010) as it really led me into a full discussion with my class members about what society considers art as. This is something I'm really passionate about as an artist, and what the documentary communicated with me has stuck with me since then. I really enjoyed the American Promise (2013) as I felt seen as a student with a lot of pressure placed on my shoulders with the educational pressure that American schools bring to their students. I also really liked the editing structure of this documentary as it feels like you are growing up with the subjects due to the length of the production. Finally, This Is the Closest To How the Footage Looked (2012) inspired me on an emotional level of the story that it told, without ever actually telling it in a beginning, middle, end structure. The emotional aspect it conveyed in just under ten minutes is astounding and I could only hope to make something on that level someday. 

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