I'm back!
We've started to brainstorm our portfolio project finally! We had a lesson yesterday on each of the different options, and me and my partner, Daniella, decided to do the short film package! We thought this would fit our ideas the best as it could give us the freedom to create our own story line and plot. It was a debate between the short film and the movie trailers, but we thought the short film could be best executed.
Our FIRST idea was a sci-fi dystopian type of film, and although we're still figuring out our major plot points, we have a main idea! Here it is:
In the year (some random future year), the human population is falling with the downfall of society, scientists were trying to come up with robotic ai life forms that could replicate human beings. The story follows one particular test subject, and it is a male being. The subjects are kept in a confined room and are slowly exposed to the human world. They are allowed to explore certain media forms such as movies and allowed to do humane research on the laptop within their room. Each different subject focuses on a different human emotion, but the subject this story follows is specific on the emotion of love. He is exposed to different films about love and slowly starts becoming more human, which grows his conscious. Additionally, this comes with the strife of knowing he will never be able to experience this emotion to its fullest extent, and he eventually 'fails'
Although we haven't really thought out the details, that is the synopsis of our project so far! We're super excited to execute this and we're thinking of advertising to the drama club at our school for our actor. We still need to come up with all the other package characteristics, but we have thought out an overall look of it.
This might not even work out to what we hope to be, as its only the first week of planning out what we want to do. but so far its what were aiming for in the long run, of course I'll update if we plan to switch the plot altogether, but in the meantime, that's our plan!!
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