Thursday, February 29, 2024

Group Meeting


    Yesterday, we got into groups to discuss how our projects were coming along. 

We shared our plot points, script processes, and our thoughts on each others productions. 

    In my group, I got some great feedback on my project and  one little things that I could add to it. 

  • To get the clean transition to the title scene, and to indicate that the MC has received brain damage from the fight that causes the mental disorder, we can do a shot where there is a punch aimed directly at the camera, and than cut to black. 
I really liked this idea, because I wanted to sort of give the whole story away in the beginning without the watchers even noticing it. The whole main plot is meant to lead the audiences to believe this is a supernatural occurrence, but in the end of the movie, you come to the conclusion that it was just the MC's imagination all along. 
    I got great feedback of how detailed my plot points have been so far, and that they could really picture what the story is meant to be like, which makes me so happy!!! I was concerned my vision was too specific and targeted so people wouldn't understand it... but they did!

Even listening to everyone else's plan and plots, it made me open my eyes to see the extent of peoples ideas, and all the different genre's they are doing has comforted me about my own ideas. I felt my plot was too general, but everybody in my group had different idea's, and some of them were so good, I can't wait to see their final products!

If there's one thing I want to plan and clarify and get group feedback on again, its on my script that I am making and the shot angle/processes. 

These group meetings really helped me and I'm super excited for our next one to check up on my progress and keep my thoughts in order!! I think this can also improve my project by giving me new ideas from an alternative perspective. It's outside feedback that can help, because my own point of view can become so limited to my story, so getting someone else to see it and add to it for the better really will help me!!

My notes^^

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