Wednesday, March 27, 2024

CCR Plan


I have been very focused on my film project, but now that I have 98% finished it, I want to finalize the thoughts and idea's I have had about my CCR planning. 

Video 1

  • How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?
  • How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?
    For these two questions, they will be in my first video which is a "Most asked questions" style of YouTube video! I am going to incorporate different overlays of all my clips and scenes layed over it to help capture audiences attention and not be a "talking head". The background of this will be fairly plain as I am going to rely heavily on outside clips to take the audiences attention while changing between the talking head clips. 

Video 2

  • How did your production skills develop throughout this project?
  • How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project?
For my second video, I wanted to do an interview, or a "behind the scenes" with different "crew members" of the production to show how each specific area of the film was developed. It would all be clips of me, just in different costumes and hairstyles to help change the continuity to indicate its a different person each time. This will also have overlays and voiceovers to help engage the audience. The setting will be in a "film studio" type of location, which is really just my guest room with gray and red decorations with some movie posters hung up. I will film this in cinematic mode on my iPhone so the background is visible but blurred as to not be distracting.

Planning all of this out has been somewhat helpful because I now I can have different set ups, and begin my filming right after I make talking points for each CCR! I want to develop a clean and engaging CCR, because I cannot do a lot movement wise in my video without distracting myself, so I am relying heavily on the edited in clips! Knowing my own strengths and weaknesses in filming myself can help make my process much smoother and less of a drawn out process!!

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