Sunday, March 24, 2024

Filming the fight scene

 This was actually very fun to do!!

We had a very grungy dark garage with bits of sand about the place, the walls were cracked and pieces were missing from it too! The only thing I could complain about was the quality in my camera... when the lighting dims in the room, my iPhone camera becomes very grainy and not as high quality as before on the 4k 60 fps setting... 

I think I’ve fixed it with messing around on the adjustment settings on the iPhone editing app. I have lowered the black point and brightness along with adding saturation to highlight the costume choices.

I used pink sweatpants for the main character, despite the audience not seeing her face (as it’s not my main actor 🤫) you can tell the character is female due to the feminine pink pants. Additionally the white shoes sway the audience towards this character as white represents the purity of that character. The sleeves pulled over the females hands is to show her size, how she is much smaller in comparison to her opponent. This is additionally an indicator to illegal fighting as in legal fighting, they are matched by their weight. 

Filming this was relatively quick, as the shots are very tight and cannot reveal much, but as I messed with the lighting on the effects side of the videos, I realized it’s easy to conceal the characters faces with their hoods up and the black point lowered.. 

This specific lighting can show the opponents animosity, also creating an “evil” effect on the character, as they end up winning the fight in the end.

This overall discovery of editing the lighting through my iPhone before even putting it into my computer has helped me so much in use of future projects, it can change the entire tone of a clip and the delivery of it! 

Thanks to the quick fixes, I can now create the contrast I need between the piano clips and the darker more serious fighting clips to create that confusing contrast I’m looking for in my film!!

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