Sunday, March 10, 2024

Title Font

 Just a small post today, I wanted to try and find a font for my title!!

I was going for something that looked old money and elegant, I wanted it to come on after the fight scene, and it will be paired with classical music. I wanted to incorporate the elegance of the font to contrast with the content of the film. It is off-putting and a little bit confusing, yet paired with the classical, it would sound fitting. Here are some options:

I liked all of these options, but I was leaning towards the bolder side of things!!
Speaking of all this title font... I have decided on my title!! 
It is...


I really wanted my title to be a one-word film, but I wanted it to be a pretty word. It was between Galvanize or Kalopsia, and I went with Kalopsia!
The meaning of the word also contributes to my film because it creates such a stark contrast to what the character is actually going through, and in no way can the character call their events in their life beautiful. If anything, the character experiences the opposite of this, but I still think its a good word to match with my film to symbolize everything they are missing out on that we, who are unaffected by this syndrome, can still have and value in life. My font depended on my titling because I wanted the elegance to show through on both my title and fonts! I think this decision and planning for the font can really piece together the overall vibe of my film I am trying to plan out. 

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