So we were planning on sending out an audition call soon...
But we had to think of what exactly we wanted them to perform when we held the auditions! We definitely needed something that showed the MC's emotion and how it builds throughout the film, but we also need someone who has an amazing skill for voice acting, making people feel things just by speaking in different ways. So we decided to pull these two pieces as we thought they would be best fitting for our auditioners to act out for when we held auditions...
"I am a machine" Battlestar Galactica monologue
We wanted our auditioners to learn this monologue and act it out so we could see how they could switch to acting almost mechanically to very emotionally. I believe another thing that will make the film so much better is if we spend less time worrying about makeup and CGI and more time finding a solid actor that has the time and skill to convey the same experience with just their body movement and voice.
Boots (1915) Rudyard Kipling Read by Taylor Holmes
I'm sure many people are familiar with this famous poem and this specific reading of the poem, I have been fascinated by the reading and how it was used to bring comfort to the disturbed and disturb the comfortable. I wanted for the auditioners to read out this poem in a similar pacing that builds so that we can get a feel for how they are with voice acting. Due to the audio of the MC narrating himself, his emotion builds and becomes more stressed throughout the film, and I think it is a key audio component that will build the tension and emotion of the film, so it is important that we get someone who can voice act for this.
ALSO!!! (edit) I played this audio for my parents and told them before to let me know how they feel about it... and a minute in my Dad said to pause it so I did. Then I asked if it made them uncomfortable and they said yes very much so! So I really do think this audio holds a lot of potential for auditions as it really creates emotion and feeling within the listeners (as proved in my mini experiment)
I really think holding these casting calls will move our process along so much more as it takes the weight off of the other elements we would have to create to get the robotic feeling across the audience. I also think it will give the film a much better look overall if we pull an actor rather than a random friend who is willing to help. This also gives me a very good idea of how it really is to create a film or a mini film. There are so many steps you have to take, that aren't even fully depicted within the result of a film, and those steps really make or break your production as well.
this has absolutely nothing to do with our short film... but on the topic of little speeches i have to profess my unfortunate and undying love for castiel's script in supernatural s6e20... especially the "freedom is a length of rope" quote bc he ATE DOWN in that.
i cant find the yt video but its on tik tok you should 100% look it up and bless your ears!!
(also im so sorry i know supernatural is SO bad...but i cant stop rewatching)
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