I have been sucked into the world of YouTube recently, diving into the filmmakers on there (There's ALOT...) and I've picked out some of my favorites as well as WHY they are my favorites. Watching a lot of these made me realize what makes them likeable and memorable, and for me personally, it's when they're either very emotional or they have a resonant theme or message that relates to our current lives or situations within the world.
But before I get to the amazing and jaw dropping films... I have some personal shoutouts that made my day when I was scrolling through YouTube...
Being honest here, these were the biggest inspirations for my short film... they're so cinematically perfect!!!! I won't link them just so you don't get hit with a wave of inspiration while reading this blog, you're welcome.
Now to get to the other films, here are four of my favorites!
Model Citizen
I thought this dystopian short film was done so well, not just the animation but the way they had the dialogue very unsettling and made the audience realize something was off right away. Additionally I liked the corporation of the masks and how they represented the current society within this fictional world. I thought the whole concept was very well though of an executed well.
(no name)
Did I cry? Yes. This film was absolutely adorable and I thought it really struck a chord with me the way the voiceover was done. Of course, to evoke any emotion just add a dog, but I really think that always works no matter what, dogs are just so perfect. I really enjoyed the storytelling and the use of camera angles to portray the dogs emotions well.
Man Spread
This was AMAZING. I really liked the message that this film got across to the audience and how they told the story. I thought that originally switching the roles was such a good idea as it made the audience question everything as we're never used to seeing women in that role. But at the end when it portrayed the truth, the audience understood the message and came to the realization of the meaning behind the film.
The Loop
I really enjoyed the technical aspects of this film and how they portrayed stress and repetition. I thought the story was good too, but what drew my eye was the pacing. I would like to further analyze this in the future to see what camera and editing techniques I could use from this to make my own productions better.
Despite the amount of time this always takes, I think it's always worth doing this research as I can really see what to focus on in my short film, as well as not trying to do too much. There were a few films that I watched that were simply to confusing to process and I didn't get the gist of them, and this made me realize how I made last year's mistake by trying to do WAY too much in the span of two minutes. I really want to simplify our idea this time and make it as minimal and understandable as possible.
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