Sunday, March 02, 2025

Costume + Makeup designing

 I research onscreen makeup and planned out some essentials for our costume design for when we film! 

Originally, Daniela and I were thinking about hand painting the makeup to make the subject look more robotic and realistic, but after looking at examples like ones below...

We quickly realized this is INSANELY impossible for us to recreate multiple times to reshoot and gain continuity, especially with the time we have available. Then we had the idea of not necessarily making them look robotic, but just oddly unnatural and disturbing. I then looked at the M3GAN makeup from that creepy movie, and clicked straight out of that because, again, creepy. But I did get the gist of how they made her look so unnatural and CREEPY. They widened her eyes to convey the doll look and created a very plastic look across her skin to abide to the doll look. But mostly, it was acting that really made this roll come to life. This is why we originally made the decision to get capable actors of executing this level of acting as it covers the attempts we would have to make for the makeup design. As for the unnatural looking side of things, I think we will buy some VERY bright contact lenses for the subject to wear, and create a very subtle makeup mask over them to make their skin 'flawless'. 

very creepy M3GAN makeup, but helpful video!
Once again, they really annunciated her features to adhere to the unnatural look I said before!

Finally, I researched some normal procedural on-camera makeup for men, (as we're hoping for a male main actor)

I found a really cool article that I linked below that explained all the choices made in makeup and how they balance out certain things on camera. Some really helpful tips were:
  • Warm colors best for video as cold ones usually become over-exaggerated on camera.
  •  Matte and natural hues need to be used to get the best results.
  • Stay away from shines like lip gloss, shimmers, highlight, and more. 
  • Powdered makeup should be used
  • Men usually have more oily pores that shine and distract on camera, so the powder will cover these up. 
The article also linked amazing YouTube videos to help with very specific things like lipstick and eyebrows, and all of them were insanely informative and helpful, but the one I'm going to link is an overall preppatory one from Nyx, I'm 100% going to rewatch this when filming day comes around!

This research made me SO excited to start filming because I absolutely love doing makeup for film and I really want this to turn out well! I think that going over all these videos and finding more different views and tips on this topic will help loads as I can use different methods to make my own which will work best for our cameras and setting!

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Costume + Makeup designing

 I research onscreen makeup and planned out some essentials for our costume design for when we film!  Originally, Daniela and I were thinkin...