Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Prop Ideas (Misc en scene)

 So I wanted to start planning out how our character will look as well as setting up some of the location filming. I was hoping to do it in my guest room, in which we can take a handful of things out of the room to make it seem more dull and conform. And then as the story progresses, we can show how he personalizes his own room and how he decides to make it his own. Additionally, I wanted to add some things to his costume to make him seem inhuman. For example, we wanted to maybe try colored contact lenses in a vey bright and unnatural looking way. Kind of similar to the way Heimdall is portrayed in Thor!

I think it would be a cool aspect that could really capture the audience with the physical appearance of the character without having to do too much about it either. Additionally for the costume, I was just thinking simple black t shirt and black pants would do perfectly. I think if the subject wore them for the first 10-30 days it would show uniformity and conformity, and then he might slowly start to stray from this, by adding either accessories or different colored shirts. 

Also I think a good idea is to change the things around the room, so to start off it will be just a very blank room with some basic things set up, and as the film progresses, we see the different designs that he adds into the room, such as movie posters or things he does to pastime such as lego's or playing an instrument. 

Finally I think that we need some type of maid costume and I don't think that I have any at home.... so once we get our actor for the maid, we will size them and order something online! I don't want it to be to costume designy, more realistic and less cartoonish

For example: 

These types are an ABSOLUTE NO for me.. they're way to weird and... freaky. I was looking for something more elegant and subtle, nothing too skimpy or wifey. 

I did like these options, its more along the lines of elegant and professional and leaning away from the cartoonish and skimpy look. I was thinking this with some white socks and shoes would fit really well

In the end, I definitely need to order these props and costumes once we have everything finalized and planned out (which should be next week). As well as getting the props and costumes ready I really want to find our actors soon too because I can then base the color schemes of the film's aesthetic off of how the characters look. I think that will also help with the overall vibe of the social media page and film look as well!

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